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Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. ****This site has moved to
Following is an excerpt from news dated 9-23-05:
Following is excerpted from story on the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on wildlife habitat and natural buffers:
Following is excerpted from the MSNBC website:
Excerpted from Defenders of Wildlife eNews on 3-14-05:
Excerpted from Reuters Alert Net--
This is from the Best Friend's website-September 13, 2005 : 7:17 PM ET
Here is the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association website update page on local wildlife rehabilitators in the Hurricane Katrina devastated areas. You may need to click on your refresh button to see if there is any more updated info after today (or just go to the main page then move to the Hurricane Katrina update page) SeEtta
Following excerpt is from this website
This taken from the American Zoo and Aquarium Assoc website ( SeEtta
The following also comes from the Best Friends website:
This is a mixture of devotion, sad and heartening news about several rehabilitator facilites taken from the Best Friends website:
I got the following post from Best Friends Animal Society's webpage. You can verify authenticity here. I encourage everyone to check sources of any information requesting help and especially money you find on internet as way to easy to scam people. SeEtta
The following update, some good and some bad, was reported on the online Times-Picayune on 9-4-05. SeEtta:
Following excerpts were posted on the Best Friends Animal Society website: