Here are two locations shelters requesting help from all levels of expertise that I took from the Louisiana School of Veterinary Medicine website. You can check the authenticity here (look on bottom of page). Always check authenticity of sources before calling, volunteering and especially giving as there are criminals who are actively engaged in trying to scam good-hearted people who want to help. SeEtta
" If you live outside the Baton Rouge area and would like to volunteer your time to work in one of the Emergency Animal Shelters, please call toll-free (888) 773-6489 (Louisiana only; out-of-state, please call (225) 925-3990) or send an e-mail to with your name and contact information, level of experience (e.g., veterinarian, veterinary assistant/technician, animal control worker, lay volunteer, etc., and please indicate any specialized skills you may have), your level of self-sufficiency, when you can travel to Baton Rouge, and how long you can stay.
Volunteers (minimum age: 16) are needed to work in the pet shelter at John M. Parker Coliseum. Please come to the Coliseum to sign up, call toll-free (888) 773-6489 (Louisiana only) or (225) 925-3980 (out-of-state), or e-mail for more information."