Colorado Conservation Birding

Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. ****This site has moved to

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Salida Birding 8-29-05

Sorry for late posting, but I have been experiencing some difficulties getting this up on my blog (even did a bunch of basic html and lost it).

As I had a public meeting to attend in Salida, CO on a proposal to submit Brown's Canyon, I stopped a little before and a some after to do a little birding at Sands Lake. There were lots of Wilson's Warblers, a bunch of Yellow Warblers and several Orange-crowned Warblers in the large stands of willows surrouding this small lake and on the shore of the adjacent Arkansas River. Surprisingly I didn't see any Townsend's Warblers, a species that I saw there this time last year but I didn't have a lot of time to search. There was a ubiquitous Western Wood-Pewee working from a tall cottonwood. And the local population of about 20 males, females and immature Great-tailed Grackles, including one juvenile still begging, was on a small island in the lake.

I couldn't do any birding today due to other obligations but will make up for lost time tomorrow.

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