Colorado Conservation Birding

Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. ****This site has moved to

Friday, August 26, 2005

Low-impact Birding

With all the pressure on bird populations and their habitats, from habitat fragmentation and destruction to tower kills, it is imperative that birders develop and practice low-impact birding skills. I have heard it argued that birders help bird conservation by the focus and money they put into birding recreation and I think that is true. But I don't believe that low-impact birding is incompatible with productive and pleasureable birding for all but the most aggressive competitive birders.

Low-impact birding focusses attention on keeping the welfare of the birds and their habitat first. And low-impact birding is starting to be recognized by those who manage important and sensitive lands as well as a few ecotourism companies who practice true ecotourism (not industrial tourism that cloaks it's greed with empty ecotourism titles).

What is low-impact birding? We will focus on that over the next few days so check back soon.


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